Sunday, September 29, 2013

Illegals vs 80/20 rule

When I was growing up it was so fascinated for me to see how many people of different background could live together on a small island like Curacao. I was not aware of the real situation till after I moved back from Europe.  
Curacao is a paradise for foreigners, especially for those who are staying illegal on the island. After moving back to the island with a degree in my pocket, international experiences and a lot of ideas to help my country develop, I have received slaps over and over again in my face while searching for a job. Every company I enter for an interview, I only see Spanish speakers or people from other English speaking Caribbean islands.

Due to the fact people still have the idea in their mind that the real "Yu di Korsou - people of Curacao" are lazy, not good, not professional and don't like to work, we, the ones who are returning back to the island with a degree in their hands needs to deal daily with this incorrect judgements. 
I understand Curacao needs to keep working on its development but after some research and analyzing the situation, I realized how many illegals (ppl with no working and/or no residents permit) there are. They are working in restaurants, supermarkets, mini markets, hotels, housekeeping, hairdressers, nannies, garden cleaning, prostitution, and international companies. I found out for example in the Dutch company GET NV in Scharloo there used to work Dutch/ USA people with no working permits. I met so many people from Jamaica who clean houses for ANG 30 per hour and don't have working neither residence permit but lives happy in Curacao. Their only goal is to save money by living as cheap as possible and send as much money as possible to their families abroad. 

A few years ago the Curacao Government introduced the 80/20 rule. When the rule was introduced a lot of people were against it because they said it's not good for the development of the island.
I'm wondering, how can the 80/20 rule NOT be good for the island if so many illegals are working anyways?
Does anybody think about how the illegals affect the economy of the island? How much money is leaving the island? Our Purchasing Power? Even if they give working permit to all foreigners, what will happen to the job offers for the real "Yu di Korsou"?  Do they have to move out of their own country because they can't find a job (as the current situation) ?
Nobody thinks about the "Yu di Korsou" who wants to work in its own country? In the Netherlands they always tell foreigners to go back to their own country. Right now, we are in our own country and we still can't find jobs because according to some people the 80/20 rule is a discrimination and nobody follows it. How do you think a high qualified experienced "Yu di Korsou" with a degree feels when people say that "Yu di Korsou" is not good, not qualitative, lazy, so they prefer to hire cheap paid foreigners? 

Please notice:
People who are working without contracts do not pay Income Tax!!  
They do not pay SVB (social insurance) !!
They steal jobs of "Yu di Korsou" !!
Major part of their income earned in Curacao will be spend abroad and not in Curacao !! 
There is not enough money for people collecting pension !!

I'm wondering why Curacao Authorities don't check the entry visas more carefully? Who in Curacao is in charge of Visa, checking the staying place of the foreigner and checking if the foreigner really left the country?
Check expired working/ resident permits?  Find out where and how the illegals enter the country? Check if companies follow the 80/20 rule.

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Curacao - paradise in Caribbean

                           Bon Bini - Welcome

As friends always told me, Curacao is a paradise island in the Caribbean. If you are crazy about sun, blue ocean, diving, great food, historical buildings, history, nature and always nice weather, you will be more than happy on Curacao.

Curacao is in the Caribbean, very close to Venezuela. It has about 150.000 inhabitants with more than 51 different nationalities. The location of the island is suitable for all kinds of businesses, it has a very stable economy and it's a great place to meet people from around the world.
Unfortunately just as other countries, it also has its not pleasant part. On my blog I will share with you my experiences on Curacao, share opinions, and let you see the other face of the island.