Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Curacao Government - More trouble in paradise

If you only think people in government are honest to society and being paid for focussing on helping their country develop, sadly I have to inform you that you have to double consider your thoughts.

Doesn't matter from which country you are, there is always somebody in the government who is thinking about him/herself instead of the country.

Normally I would not waste my time with writing about this topic because it has been seen as normal for decades by many countries. Unfortunately corruption, power abuse, and nepotism is getting out of hand in Curacao. Due to the fact the island is small it is more obvious. Our latest politicians e.g. Gerrit Schotte, Marvelyne Wiels, Charles Cooper, Abdul Nasser El Hakim, etc damaged the good image and the hope of a honest government. They choose to lie to their own people. They choose to abuse their power. They choose to put their own country in a shame position infront of other countries.

Curacao is a great and stable country. There are many business opportunities and there are many high qualified honest people. With this blog I only would like to be transparant to those businessmen who would like to do business with Curacao. Maybe you might hear negative news or information about Curacao via your embassy/ business partners/ media or internet but I would like to say and express that only a small amount of people are responsible for it. Curacao is in a development stage and it offers great investment opportunity for everybody who would like to invest in new markets. 

1.  http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/wiels-appointed-at-curacao-house-by-asjes/
2.  http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/van-raak-rutte-must-order-an-investigation-into-nepotism-at-curacao-house/
3.  http://www.curacaochronicle.com/main/marvelyne-wiels-hires-employees-without-application-procedures/
4.  http://nos.nl/artikel/572715-twijfel-over-cv-rijksminister-wiels.html
5.  http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politieke_crisis_Cura%C3%A7ao

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Curacao Traffic and Traffic accidents

In general Curacao is a great island to live on. Its nice sunny weather, clear sky, blue clear ocean, fresh air, colorful houses, great food, people with different nationalities, relax environment, business opportunities, makes Curacao the best place on earth.

Unfortunately some issues are disturbing the peaceful atmosphere on the island. As you could read in my previous article "Trouble in Paradise" the government needs some changes. Furthermore, what really needs to change is the attitude of drivers on the roads of Curacao.

In the past few years the drivers are getting the habit of cutting off infront of others, jumping out of side streets acting like they are the king of Curacao, calling names to other drivers who are driving slowly, honking because of no patience, and the worst is some are driving without license and /or insurance.

From all of this what makes me more sad is they cause traffic accidents but do not get any kind of punishment. Innocent people are getting injured and killed but nobody cares. Even the Former Prime Minister - Gerrit Schotte caused an accident whereby a lady got killed in 2005. Gerrit Schotte was pleaded guilty to culpable homicide but his government friends of course cheated with the case. Result: Gerrit Schotte became not guilty and didn't get any punishment for killing the lady Anna Grion-Rossi.
Looking at this accident and everything related to it, I realised Gerrit Schotte can't handle responsibilities for his actions. So how can you expect him to be a responsible leader of Curacao if he can't even handle responsibilities of his own personal life actions  ?????  

This politician - Gerrit Schotte killed an innocent lady and nobody cares. What kind of example is this for Curacao society and its future? 

A 23 years old boy killed 3 innocent people while they were walking for a fundraising. It was a hit and run case. This boy didn't had driving license, the car was rented and after killing 3 people he drove away without looking back!!
Where is this boy now?  Free as a bird happily smiling and walking on the streets while the family of the 3 innocent people are still in pain. How is this possible? Why is this boy still unpunished?  and the car rental company didn't get penalty for renting car to a person without license?

                    Wake up!  Wake up !  Curacao citizens needs to wake up before it's to late! 
                     Maybe next time is your family a victim !

Fatal traffic accidents
-    http://www.thedailyherald.com/index.php/islands/1-islands-news/41496-call-for-increased-controls-after-hit-and-run-kills-three.html
-    http://www.elsevier.nl/Nederland/nieuws/2012/10/Oud-premier-Curacao-veroorzaakte-dodelijk-ongeval-ELSEVIER352232W/
-    http://www.versgeperst.com/nieuws/176698/nabestaande-wil-geld-van-schotte.html
-    http://www.thedailyherald.com/index.php/islands/1-islands-news/41506-curacao-needs-traffic-authority.html
-    http://www.versgeperst.com/nieuws/195092/politie-vraagt-om-tips-over-hit-and-run.html

Traffic info tips
-   http://cruise-dude.com/driving-in-curacao/
-   http://www.azcuracao.com/auto/traffic-in-curacao/

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Great companies in Curacao

When I'm travelling I like to talk about Curacao but since recently I notice everytime when I talk about Curacao the first questions they ask me is: Where is Curacao? What is Curacao famous for? How big is the island? Do they have good companies and products there?   

In this part of my blog I would like to share with you some great companies you can find in Curacao which can offer you authentic high quality products and great services.

CurAloe is specialized in Aloe Vera products. They have their own Aloe Vera plantation in Curacao, with over 100,000 specimens of Aloe Vera. The company is not only specialized in making 100% Aloe Vera juice but it also offers Aloe Vera concentrate and young Aloe Vera plants. 

Aloe Vera is really quite an incredible plant. It contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids.

Historically, Aloe was used to heal wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as a laxative. Today, in addition to these uses, Aloe is used as a traditional remedy for a variety of conditions, including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and osteoarthritis. 

In which daily products do you find Aloe Vera?

You can find Aloe as part of ingredients in a variety of products, such as cosmetics, dental care items, laundry detergents, toilet paper, herbal remedies, food supplements, food, etc. 

“Cleopatra applied the gel to her body as part of her beauty regimen;
The ancient Greeks used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia;
The Native Americans called aloe vera the "Wand of the Heaven."”

Genuine Curacao Liqueur   -   http://www.curacaoliqueur.com/

The Genuine Curacao Liqueur produces the authentic Blue Curacao liqueur. Blue Curacao is famous for its blue color in cocktails. If you are in Curacao, you have to visit their factory and taste all their amazing tasting liqueurs.  

"Our “Genuine Curaçao Liqueur” is so unique because of the Laraha ("citrus Aurantium Currassuviensis" or "Golden Orange of Curaçao"), an indigenous product of Curaçao, and the main ingredient of “the Genuine Curaçao Liqueur”. All others brands may claim that it’s made from the Laraha fruit but in reality they are using artificial ingredients that are orange-flavored."

Curacao Drydock Company, Inc.   -    http://www.cdmnv.com/index.php

Curacao Drydock Company, Inc. is one of the largest ship repair yards in the Caribbean. It mainly focus on ship repair services consists of both main activities being; Yard (Ship Repair, Engineering and Conversion) and PRS (Port Repair and On-Voyage Services).
If you are in shipping industry, take a look at Curacao Drydock Company, Inc., you will be astonished by their services.

InselAir   -    http://www.fly-inselair.com/en/home

When travelling in Caribbean I always choose this airline. It is comfortable and always on time.
InselAir is an airline operating 16 international destinations in 11 countries within the Pan-American region. For flights to USA, Caribbean islands or South America InselAir is THE airline for your trip. 

Pinnacle Sports     -     http://www.pinnaclesports.com/

Pinnacle Sports is an online gaming website and has become one of the world’s largest, fully licensed, online sportsbooks. Presently, the company has customers in over 100 countries and is available in 19 different languages.

Curacao Candle Factory   -   http://www.curcandle.com/

Curacao Candle Factory is one of the only candle manufacturing company's in the Caribbean who can source their most important raw material locally. The company exports about 90% of its total production to the Caribbean Region, USA and Central America. From experience I know their mosquito repellent citronella candles and their multipurpose Dinner candles are very good and popular.
As they are not active in Europe and Asia yet, this might be a new market/ business opportunity?

BearingPoint    -    http://bearingpointcaribbean.com/

If you have a company or you would like to start a company in the Caribbean and you need IT solutions, BearingPoint is THE company you need. It's the IT leading provider of management consulting and IT services in the Caribbean.
For more IT opportunities or cooperation you can contact them. Believe me you will be amazed. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Curacao - Business opportunities 2

I already discussed about some Business opportunities in Curacao in my previous post. In this post I would like to add some more opportunities which are present and may can be a smart investment.

Curacao is famous for its clear and clean drinking water. Due to the non-polluted ocean around the island, people in Curacao enjoys drinking good quality water.
Unfortunately since shortly the water plant "Aqualectra", the company which helps make the water suitable for drinking, started to add fluoride to the drinking water and is in the last few years in financial problems.   Aqualectra has a monopoly position in water and electricity. Due to its debt and its monopoly power, the company is increasing its prices which is making the citizens of Curacao not satisfied with the company.  Please check the KWh on your AQUALECTRA Pagatinu bill when you purchase electricity and you will see what I mean!!
I see the problems of Aqualectra as an opportunity for a foreign water plant to establish a competitor company in Curacao. 
Furthermore, to make the investment more attractive, except providing clean water to Curacao society, you can also consider to start exporting bottled drinking water to neighbor countries like Venezuela  or even to China, India where the drinking water has a bad quality.

Cleaning company
Cleaning roads/ streets, government places e.g. hospitals, parks, schools is a normal thing to do. In Curacao I don't think it's normal because nobody is doing it. Or they do it once a while when they want to. If you want your money to keep rolling, setting up a cleaning company with responsible employees and signing a cleaning agreement/contract with the government will be a great success in Curacao.
If you look at the hospital in Curacao, it's not so clean. Many sewers are full with weed, bottles/plastic bags/cups/paper are everywhere on the floor by the roads, don't even mention the road to Playa Canoa (it's full with household dirt), and so on.     

Government of Curacao really needs a professional cleaning company which can keep Curacao 24 hours clean !!!!!!!!!!! 

Sewer full with weed. What will happen if there is a lot of rain?

sewer full with weed
Heineken & Polar bottles
Dewars white label box at Waaigat

Since 10 years ago the Curacao government is facing difficulties with building a new hospital. I have to make clear they have the money for this project but unfortunately they are not able to make up their mind about the location of the hospital. I would like to attract the attention of companies which have experiences in building hospitals. Experiences in giving advise about location, environment, building structure, infrastructure around the new hospital, etc. 

The daily life in Curacao is pretty expensive. If you walk in the mini markets and supermarkets you will notice that the prices are pretty high compared to the salaries given in Curacao. If you ask people how come the prices are so high, you will always get the answer: "Everything is imported".
In my eyes this is just a stupid excuse to make a lot of money. Living in Asia I experienced how cheap products can be. So if the supermarkets in Curacao can change their product brands to another unfamiliar brand which has the same quality as the current products but has a much lower price, the product prices can be offered to consumers by much lower prices. The supermarkets can of course keep some of their current products but introduce cheaper versions for people with less financial income.    
IMPORTANT:   Food is important in the daily life of people in Curacao. Curacao people like to eat a lot. Due to the high retail prices, people do not care anymore about the brands but just want lower prices.
If I had enough money I would definitely open a supermarket with much lower prices because I know I can gain market share and beat most of the biggest supermarkets.     

If you have experience with taxi company or public transportation, Curacao will be good place for you to start a taxi company. Curacao is a small island but unfortunately the public transportation is not convenient. You can stand for hours to wait for a bus and if you want to take a taxi it will cost you a fortune. Taxis are expensive because the Curacao government is not really paying attention on their tarrifs so the taxi companies charge very ridiculous high fares. Aruba on the other hand has a great and customer friendly taxi fare regulation
With a new established taxi company (responsible drivers and reasonable fares) you will get as customers Curacao citizens and also tourists (pick up from hotels, airport, cruise ships, city center, beaches, restaurants, etc). Besides being just a taxi, you can also offer tour services.

1.      http://aqbottling.com/023_e.html
2.        http://www.curacaochronicle.com/local/230-millon-guilders-needed-to-get-aqualectra-out-of-trouble/
3.     http://www.avsnewsonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3662:aqualectra-is-serious-financial-problems&catid=48:curacao-news&Itemid=63
4.      http://www.sxmislandtime.com/front-page-headliners/24890-major-financing-for-aqualectra-plans-pulls-out.html
5.     http://www.amigoe.com/english/163347-project-dokweg-possibly-on-hold
6.     http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/vbc-water-and-electricity-supply-in-danger/
7.     http://www.curacaochronicle.com/local/old-generator-is-the-cause-for-power-failure/

1.    http://www.curacaochronicle.com/main/major-price-differences-at-supermarkets/
2.    http://www.stagescuracao.nl/praktische_informatie/algemeen/boodschappen
3.    http://www.versgeperst.com/nieuws/65438/supermarkten-negeren-maximumprijzen.html
4.    http://www.investcuracao.com/01d05.html
5.    http://www.npostna.com/personal/downloads/Import%20Taxes.pdf
6.    http://www.sabanews.nl/tax-obstacles-freight-transit-curacao-dutch-caribbean-are-removed/

1.    http://travel.usnews.com/Curacao/Getting_Around/
2.    http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1351822

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Curacao Government - trouble in paradise

The form of government is a parliamentary democracy, based on underlying premises such as freedom of association, the right to form political parties, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.
Executive power rests with a Governor, while the Prime Minister is the head of government/ cabinet. The governor of Curacao is appointed for a six year term by the monarch and the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are elected by the Staten for four year terms.

Just as all other countries, Curacao has its ups and downs in government but since few years it's getting out of hand. Unfortunately I don't have enough space on this blog to talk about the government of Curacao. It's becoming a big circus. These people don't care about the island. They only criticize each other, no cooperation at all to find and/or proceed with solutions to solve the problems the island is facing, they don't really have a vision (at least they don't share it with society so we don't know how Curacao will be in the next 20 years), and they make sure their own pockets are full with money of society.

From information received from media, in my opinion, the person who damaged Curacao the most is Gerrit Schotte.

Who is Gerrit Schotte?  He is the current leader of the political party Movementu Futuro Korsou (MFK). When the Netherlands Antilles was dismantled on October 10, 2010 Gerrit Schotte became the first Prime Minister of Curaçao.

I'm still wondering who came with the brilliant idea to tell this guy he is suitable for politics ?

- He doesn't have education background
- Before entering politics he didn't had any knowledge about it
- He has tight connections with Italian mafia
- He has smooth talk to fool, manipulate and lie to people
- He has secretly spending money of society e.g. the Koeiman maintenance company case
- He announced there is a coup d'etat in Curacao
- He might be involved in the murder of Mr. Helmin Wiels

Looking at the "coup d'etat" (staatsgreep) in 2012 I guess Gerrit Schotte doesn't have brains neither because he doesn't know he is damaging the name and image of our beautiful island on international level. The sad part is there was no coup d'etat so he was lying to the whole world. In my eyes he is a shame for our island and I guess for some other too.

                Schotte you are a shame for your children (written on a wall in the city center of Curacao)

I have to admit he did some good things for Curacao (especially tourism) but he did much more bad things than good!

Please I would like to know your opinion. Do you think this man "Gerrit Schotte" is a good politician for Curacao ?  

What is Gerrit Schotte doing right now to help Curacao develop (except talking)?  What did he achieve during his time as Prime Minister? When he was Prime Minister, why didn't he listen to the society? Did he accomplish his promises?  How does Schotte see Curacao in the next 20 years?  What was his goal with the coup d'etat?

His vision with REFORMA:  a better Curacao. What is his exact definition for "a better Curacao"? 

"Schotte wants to collect 50,000 signatures for "Reforma" by December 31st this year. In the first three months of next year a committee of experts will then make a plan of approach to change everything that is not functioning properly. This is to be followed by a referendum on the result."

Why are they waiting till next year for experts to start making a plan of approach?  Looking at the ideas and suggestions of Schotte, it can take years before they can finish the plan. Which other politicians stands behind Schotte's ideas?  Politicians in Curacao really needs to start working as one big team.
If Schotte believes in himself and really believe he can make a change, he needs to start right now with the plan so at least he can proof he really stands behind and believe in the changes. He needs to start showing people not only by talking or on paper but also with actions that he really wants to make changes and help Curacao.

Actions speak louder than words Mr. Schotte !!!

1. Gerrit Schotte linked with Italian mafia
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/local/how-schotte-wanted-to-appoint-a-mafia-member-in-the-central-bank/
-   http://www.todaysxm.com/2012/10/10/corallo-important-person-in-sicilian-mafia-schotte-linked-to-italian-mafia/
-   http://www.sabanews.nl/mp-van-raak-mafia-connections-a-danger-to-the-kingdom/
-   http://www.news.dm/alleged-mafia-member-said-to-have-financed-former-curacao-pm/
-   http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2012/10/09/gerrit-schotte-heeft-banden-met-italiaanse-maffia/
-   http://www.ftm.nl/exclusive/de-maffiabanden-van-gerrit-schotte/

2. MFK vs murder of Wiels
-   http://www.todaysxm.com/2013/07/23/report-in-nrc-handelsblad-politicians-knew-about-plan-to-assassinate-wiels/
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/mfk-denies-being-involved-in-wiels-murder/
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/judicial/curacao-politicians-knew-murder-plan-helmin-wiels/
-   http://www.amigoe.com/english/152928-wiels-murdered-by-own-party
-   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22424009

3. Coup d'etat
-   http://www.amigoe.com/english/130166-vbc-schottes-idiocy-and-treason
-   http://www.thedailyherald.com/index.php/islands/1-islands-news/32016-schotte-occupied-fort-amsterdam-.html

4. Gerrit Schotte as politician
-   http://www.sp.nl/overheid/opinies/1448/De_criminele_carrire_van_Gerrit_Schotte.html
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/vbc-schottes-government-was-worst-in-our-political-history/
-   http://www.elsevier.nl/Nederland/nieuws/2012/10/Oud-premier-Curacao-veroorzaakte-dodelijk-ongeval-ELSEVIER352232W/
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/local/schotte-trying-to-buy-votes/
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/i-came-to-get-my-money/
-   http://www.curacaochronicle.com/politics/questions-on-mfk-card-is-it-legal/
-   http://www.dutchnews.nl/features/2011/10/shame_and_scandal_in_the_famil.php
-   http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politieke_crisis_Cura%C3%A7ao
-   http://www.amigoe.com/english/131986-flows-of-money-prove-ties-schotte-and-corallo

5.  Reforma
-   http://www.thedailyherald.com/index.php/islands/1-islands-news/42848-schotte-referendum-on-political-reforms.html

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The original Blue Curacao Liqueur

Everybody knows Curacao is famous for it's nice beaches, blue ocean, sunny weather, great food, music and people. But do you also know the liqueur Blue Curacao is originally from the island Curacao?


The blue liqueur which bartenders use to make your cocktails blue like the ocean is originally from Curacao.

Difference between the genuine Blue Curacao and the other Blue Curacao brands is the taste. Until today the Genuine Curacao liqueur is the only liqueur that is made of the dried peels of the Laraha citrus fruit, grown on the island of Curacao. From experience I like my cocktails with the orginal Blue Curacao because it gives the cocktail the perfect exotic taste.

I'm interested in cocktails and I like drinking cocktails but unfortunately I don't have enough funds to export the original Blue Curacao myself. Till now I only saw and drink the original Blue Curacao in the Netherlands and in USA.
- The brand name "Blue Curacao" is already well known worldwide,
- There is a big market out there waiting for the original Blue Curacao  e.g. emerging countries
- The taste of the original Blue Curacao is UNIQUE
- The bottle is easy to recognize and the color always attracts people's eyes

Maybe start importing the original Blue Curacao in other parts of the world will be your new business opportunity?

1.  http://www.curacaoliqueur.com/
2.  http://www.ask.com/question/how-do-you-pronounce-blue-curacao
3.  http://mixthatdrink.com/tag/blue-curacao/page/3/
4.  http://putneyfarm.com/2012/07/03/weekly-cocktail-19-the-blue-hawaii/

Curacao - Business opportunities

Background information
Curaçao is a beautiful island in the southwestern Caribbean Sea, just in front of the coast of Venezuela and lies between Bonaire and Aruba. It has about 150.000 inhabitants and is therefore the biggest island in the former Netherlands Antilles. With its nice and warm tropical climate, Curacao attracts thousands of tourists every year.

What makes Curacao so special?  Curacao is special for its typical Latin American alternated with Dutch European influences atmosphere. Due to its geographical location, the island has become a mix of several cultures, with more than 50 different nationalities. The most spoken languages on the island are Papiamento, Dutch, English and Spanish. Nowadays also Portuguese and Chinese is spoken, originally from Portuguese spoken countries, China (Guangdong Province) and Hong Kong.

Curacao attractive for businesses
Curacao became an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands in October 2010. Since this date a lot of changes has occured and more business opportunities has been created.

Curaçao has one of the highest standards of living in the Caribbean. Although GDP grew slightly during the past decade, the island enjoys a high per capita income and a well-developed infrastructure with an economy which is mainly a tourism, trade and services (offshore finance) economy. Its excellent natural harbor that can accomodate large oil tankers, shipping, oil refining and other activities related to the port of Willemstad (e.g. the Free Trade Zone) also make a significant contribution to the economy.

Unfortunately I don't have enough financial resources to invest in Curacao and I am not able to publish a whole financial report online for your reference but I would like to increase the awareness of business opportunities on this still unknown Caribbean island for those who are interested in investing in new markets.

Good to know
  • Almost all consumer and capital goods are imported, Curacao imports about 90% of everything that's consumed on the island.
  • Curacao has a worldwide reputation for its expertise in financial services.
  • To achieve the government's aim to make its economy more diverse, efforts are being made to attract more foreign investment. This policy, called the 'Open Arms' policy, features a heavy focus on information technology companies.
  • Curaçao is in a relatively early stage of aggressively promoting its international development, many opportunities exist for investors and entrepreneurs and these opportunities will only increase in the coming years.
  • Real Estate projects going on
  • Information system project opportunities
  • Historic Willemstad, one of UNESCO's 80-something World Heritage sites, the delight of all visitors
  • Curacao has an E-commerce park/ E-Zone.
  • Curacao has a Business Park.
  • Well developed infrastructure
  • Curacao is still searching for more investors in Real Estate, Education, Oil Refinery, Maritime, Harbor Development, Information systems, Telecommunication systems,  Tourism, Solar, Health Care, Power plant, Water plant, etc.

1.  http://worldstaxhavens.com/taxhaven/netherlands-antilles/ 
2.  http://www.bakertillyinternational.com/media/727329/baker%20tilly%20international%20-%20dbi%20curacao.pdf
3.  http://www.curinde.com/en/advantages-curacao
4.  http://www.e-commercepark.com/index.php
5.  http://www.amicorp.com/services.html
6.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cura%C3%A7ao
7.  Real estate:     http://www.doingbusinessdutchcaribbean.com/curacao/real-estate-a-construction-law/private-property-ownership-long-term-land-lease-and-short-term-land-lease
8.  Hotel on SALE:     http://www.kurahulanda.com/en/kura-hulanda-hotel

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Illegals vs 80/20 rule

When I was growing up it was so fascinated for me to see how many people of different background could live together on a small island like Curacao. I was not aware of the real situation till after I moved back from Europe.  
Curacao is a paradise for foreigners, especially for those who are staying illegal on the island. After moving back to the island with a degree in my pocket, international experiences and a lot of ideas to help my country develop, I have received slaps over and over again in my face while searching for a job. Every company I enter for an interview, I only see Spanish speakers or people from other English speaking Caribbean islands.

Due to the fact people still have the idea in their mind that the real "Yu di Korsou - people of Curacao" are lazy, not good, not professional and don't like to work, we, the ones who are returning back to the island with a degree in their hands needs to deal daily with this incorrect judgements. 
I understand Curacao needs to keep working on its development but after some research and analyzing the situation, I realized how many illegals (ppl with no working and/or no residents permit) there are. They are working in restaurants, supermarkets, mini markets, hotels, housekeeping, hairdressers, nannies, garden cleaning, prostitution, and international companies. I found out for example in the Dutch company GET NV in Scharloo there used to work Dutch/ USA people with no working permits. I met so many people from Jamaica who clean houses for ANG 30 per hour and don't have working neither residence permit but lives happy in Curacao. Their only goal is to save money by living as cheap as possible and send as much money as possible to their families abroad. 

A few years ago the Curacao Government introduced the 80/20 rule. When the rule was introduced a lot of people were against it because they said it's not good for the development of the island.
I'm wondering, how can the 80/20 rule NOT be good for the island if so many illegals are working anyways?
Does anybody think about how the illegals affect the economy of the island? How much money is leaving the island? Our Purchasing Power? Even if they give working permit to all foreigners, what will happen to the job offers for the real "Yu di Korsou"?  Do they have to move out of their own country because they can't find a job (as the current situation) ?
Nobody thinks about the "Yu di Korsou" who wants to work in its own country? In the Netherlands they always tell foreigners to go back to their own country. Right now, we are in our own country and we still can't find jobs because according to some people the 80/20 rule is a discrimination and nobody follows it. How do you think a high qualified experienced "Yu di Korsou" with a degree feels when people say that "Yu di Korsou" is not good, not qualitative, lazy, so they prefer to hire cheap paid foreigners? 

Please notice:
People who are working without contracts do not pay Income Tax!!  
They do not pay SVB (social insurance) !!
They steal jobs of "Yu di Korsou" !!
Major part of their income earned in Curacao will be spend abroad and not in Curacao !! 
There is not enough money for people collecting pension !!

I'm wondering why Curacao Authorities don't check the entry visas more carefully? Who in Curacao is in charge of Visa, checking the staying place of the foreigner and checking if the foreigner really left the country?
Check expired working/ resident permits?  Find out where and how the illegals enter the country? Check if companies follow the 80/20 rule.

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Curacao - paradise in Caribbean

                           Bon Bini - Welcome

As friends always told me, Curacao is a paradise island in the Caribbean. If you are crazy about sun, blue ocean, diving, great food, historical buildings, history, nature and always nice weather, you will be more than happy on Curacao.

Curacao is in the Caribbean, very close to Venezuela. It has about 150.000 inhabitants with more than 51 different nationalities. The location of the island is suitable for all kinds of businesses, it has a very stable economy and it's a great place to meet people from around the world.
Unfortunately just as other countries, it also has its not pleasant part. On my blog I will share with you my experiences on Curacao, share opinions, and let you see the other face of the island.