Sunday, October 20, 2013

Curacao Traffic and Traffic accidents

In general Curacao is a great island to live on. Its nice sunny weather, clear sky, blue clear ocean, fresh air, colorful houses, great food, people with different nationalities, relax environment, business opportunities, makes Curacao the best place on earth.

Unfortunately some issues are disturbing the peaceful atmosphere on the island. As you could read in my previous article "Trouble in Paradise" the government needs some changes. Furthermore, what really needs to change is the attitude of drivers on the roads of Curacao.

In the past few years the drivers are getting the habit of cutting off infront of others, jumping out of side streets acting like they are the king of Curacao, calling names to other drivers who are driving slowly, honking because of no patience, and the worst is some are driving without license and /or insurance.

From all of this what makes me more sad is they cause traffic accidents but do not get any kind of punishment. Innocent people are getting injured and killed but nobody cares. Even the Former Prime Minister - Gerrit Schotte caused an accident whereby a lady got killed in 2005. Gerrit Schotte was pleaded guilty to culpable homicide but his government friends of course cheated with the case. Result: Gerrit Schotte became not guilty and didn't get any punishment for killing the lady Anna Grion-Rossi.
Looking at this accident and everything related to it, I realised Gerrit Schotte can't handle responsibilities for his actions. So how can you expect him to be a responsible leader of Curacao if he can't even handle responsibilities of his own personal life actions  ?????  

This politician - Gerrit Schotte killed an innocent lady and nobody cares. What kind of example is this for Curacao society and its future? 

A 23 years old boy killed 3 innocent people while they were walking for a fundraising. It was a hit and run case. This boy didn't had driving license, the car was rented and after killing 3 people he drove away without looking back!!
Where is this boy now?  Free as a bird happily smiling and walking on the streets while the family of the 3 innocent people are still in pain. How is this possible? Why is this boy still unpunished?  and the car rental company didn't get penalty for renting car to a person without license?

                    Wake up!  Wake up !  Curacao citizens needs to wake up before it's to late! 
                     Maybe next time is your family a victim !

Fatal traffic accidents

Traffic info tips

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