Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Curacao - Business opportunities

Background information
Curaçao is a beautiful island in the southwestern Caribbean Sea, just in front of the coast of Venezuela and lies between Bonaire and Aruba. It has about 150.000 inhabitants and is therefore the biggest island in the former Netherlands Antilles. With its nice and warm tropical climate, Curacao attracts thousands of tourists every year.

What makes Curacao so special?  Curacao is special for its typical Latin American alternated with Dutch European influences atmosphere. Due to its geographical location, the island has become a mix of several cultures, with more than 50 different nationalities. The most spoken languages on the island are Papiamento, Dutch, English and Spanish. Nowadays also Portuguese and Chinese is spoken, originally from Portuguese spoken countries, China (Guangdong Province) and Hong Kong.

Curacao attractive for businesses
Curacao became an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands in October 2010. Since this date a lot of changes has occured and more business opportunities has been created.

Curaçao has one of the highest standards of living in the Caribbean. Although GDP grew slightly during the past decade, the island enjoys a high per capita income and a well-developed infrastructure with an economy which is mainly a tourism, trade and services (offshore finance) economy. Its excellent natural harbor that can accomodate large oil tankers, shipping, oil refining and other activities related to the port of Willemstad (e.g. the Free Trade Zone) also make a significant contribution to the economy.

Unfortunately I don't have enough financial resources to invest in Curacao and I am not able to publish a whole financial report online for your reference but I would like to increase the awareness of business opportunities on this still unknown Caribbean island for those who are interested in investing in new markets.

Good to know
  • Almost all consumer and capital goods are imported, Curacao imports about 90% of everything that's consumed on the island.
  • Curacao has a worldwide reputation for its expertise in financial services.
  • To achieve the government's aim to make its economy more diverse, efforts are being made to attract more foreign investment. This policy, called the 'Open Arms' policy, features a heavy focus on information technology companies.
  • Curaçao is in a relatively early stage of aggressively promoting its international development, many opportunities exist for investors and entrepreneurs and these opportunities will only increase in the coming years.
  • Real Estate projects going on
  • Information system project opportunities
  • Historic Willemstad, one of UNESCO's 80-something World Heritage sites, the delight of all visitors
  • Curacao has an E-commerce park/ E-Zone.
  • Curacao has a Business Park.
  • Well developed infrastructure
  • Curacao is still searching for more investors in Real Estate, Education, Oil Refinery, Maritime, Harbor Development, Information systems, Telecommunication systems,  Tourism, Solar, Health Care, Power plant, Water plant, etc.

1.  http://worldstaxhavens.com/taxhaven/netherlands-antilles/ 
2.  http://www.bakertillyinternational.com/media/727329/baker%20tilly%20international%20-%20dbi%20curacao.pdf
3.  http://www.curinde.com/en/advantages-curacao
4.  http://www.e-commercepark.com/index.php
5.  http://www.amicorp.com/services.html
6.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cura%C3%A7ao
7.  Real estate:     http://www.doingbusinessdutchcaribbean.com/curacao/real-estate-a-construction-law/private-property-ownership-long-term-land-lease-and-short-term-land-lease
8.  Hotel on SALE:     http://www.kurahulanda.com/en/kura-hulanda-hotel


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  4. For several nights in a row, the man had fended off the tenacious advances of a grizzly bear that had attacked him a few days earlier at a mining camp some 40 miles outside Nome.

  5. En route to a mission Friday, the crew of a Coast Guard helicopter saw the man waving both hands in the air, a widely recognized distress signal, the helicopter’s pilot said. On the tin roof of a shack, SOS and “help me” had been scrawled. The shack’s door had been ripped off.

  6. The crew took the man to Nome to be treated for bruises to his torso and a leg injury that was not life-threatening, according to the Coast Guard. So ended a weeklong ordeal that could pass as a sequel to “The Revenant,” in which Leonardo DiCaprio was mauled by a computer-generated grizzly bear.

  7. “At some point, a bear had dragged him down to the river,” Lt. Cmdr. Jared Carbajal, one of the pilots of the Coast Guard helicopter, said in an interview Wednesday. “He had a pistol. He said that the bear kept coming back every night and he hadn’t slept in a few days.”

  8. The Coast Guard did not identify the man, who rescuers said was in his late 50s or early 60s and had been staying in the shack since July 12 on the small mining claim. It was not clear how the man had reached the remote camp, which has no cellphone service and is in a river drainage area.

  9. Carbajal said that the Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter had changed its course by about a mile to avoid some clouds when something caught the eye of his co-pilot.

  10. “He said, ‘Hey there’s a guy down there and he’s waving at us,’” Carbajal said. “I said, ‘Is he waving with one hand or two hands?’”

  11. “I said well, that’s usually a sign of distress,” the pilot recalled telling the helicopter’s three other crew members.

  12. Lt. j.g. A.J. Hammac, the 35-year-old co-pilot, said in an interview Wednesday that he saw the man stumble out of his shack. It was a curious sight for him. Hammac is based on Cape Cod in Massachusetts and is spending two weeks in Alaska for the Coast Guard.
