Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Curacao Government - trouble in paradise

The form of government is a parliamentary democracy, based on underlying premises such as freedom of association, the right to form political parties, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.
Executive power rests with a Governor, while the Prime Minister is the head of government/ cabinet. The governor of Curacao is appointed for a six year term by the monarch and the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are elected by the Staten for four year terms.

Just as all other countries, Curacao has its ups and downs in government but since few years it's getting out of hand. Unfortunately I don't have enough space on this blog to talk about the government of Curacao. It's becoming a big circus. These people don't care about the island. They only criticize each other, no cooperation at all to find and/or proceed with solutions to solve the problems the island is facing, they don't really have a vision (at least they don't share it with society so we don't know how Curacao will be in the next 20 years), and they make sure their own pockets are full with money of society.

From information received from media, in my opinion, the person who damaged Curacao the most is Gerrit Schotte.

Who is Gerrit Schotte?  He is the current leader of the political party Movementu Futuro Korsou (MFK). When the Netherlands Antilles was dismantled on October 10, 2010 Gerrit Schotte became the first Prime Minister of Curaçao.

I'm still wondering who came with the brilliant idea to tell this guy he is suitable for politics ?

- He doesn't have education background
- Before entering politics he didn't had any knowledge about it
- He has tight connections with Italian mafia
- He has smooth talk to fool, manipulate and lie to people
- He has secretly spending money of society e.g. the Koeiman maintenance company case
- He announced there is a coup d'etat in Curacao
- He might be involved in the murder of Mr. Helmin Wiels

Looking at the "coup d'etat" (staatsgreep) in 2012 I guess Gerrit Schotte doesn't have brains neither because he doesn't know he is damaging the name and image of our beautiful island on international level. The sad part is there was no coup d'etat so he was lying to the whole world. In my eyes he is a shame for our island and I guess for some other too.

                Schotte you are a shame for your children (written on a wall in the city center of Curacao)

I have to admit he did some good things for Curacao (especially tourism) but he did much more bad things than good!

Please I would like to know your opinion. Do you think this man "Gerrit Schotte" is a good politician for Curacao ?  

What is Gerrit Schotte doing right now to help Curacao develop (except talking)?  What did he achieve during his time as Prime Minister? When he was Prime Minister, why didn't he listen to the society? Did he accomplish his promises?  How does Schotte see Curacao in the next 20 years?  What was his goal with the coup d'etat?

His vision with REFORMA:  a better Curacao. What is his exact definition for "a better Curacao"? 

"Schotte wants to collect 50,000 signatures for "Reforma" by December 31st this year. In the first three months of next year a committee of experts will then make a plan of approach to change everything that is not functioning properly. This is to be followed by a referendum on the result."

Why are they waiting till next year for experts to start making a plan of approach?  Looking at the ideas and suggestions of Schotte, it can take years before they can finish the plan. Which other politicians stands behind Schotte's ideas?  Politicians in Curacao really needs to start working as one big team.
If Schotte believes in himself and really believe he can make a change, he needs to start right now with the plan so at least he can proof he really stands behind and believe in the changes. He needs to start showing people not only by talking or on paper but also with actions that he really wants to make changes and help Curacao.

Actions speak louder than words Mr. Schotte !!!

1. Gerrit Schotte linked with Italian mafia

2. MFK vs murder of Wiels

3. Coup d'etat

4. Gerrit Schotte as politician

5.  Reforma

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